
BOND (Building tOlerance, uNderstanding and Dialogue across communities) promotes understanding, tolerance and dialogue, through a linked series of strategic educational and awareness-raising actions, online and on-site, and by facilitating interfaith and intercultural dialogue.

The project brings people together from across religious and community backgrounds, to foster understanding and tolerance through dialogue, and create strategic alliances and enduring networks. The major aim of the project is to address deep-rooted prejudices and hateful attitudes and behaviours, specifically towards Jewish people in Europe, counter the dwindling knowledge about the Shoah, particularly among youth, and to promote tolerance, understanding and dialogue across religious, ethnic and cultural groups in our society.


01/2023 to 12/2025



CERV-2022-EQUALCoordination & Support Action









FOSTER a common and evidence-based understanding of anti-Semitic trends, attitudes and behaviours in the region over the last few decades, as well as how that impacts the Jewish communities today, and how it relates to other forms of intolerance and hate-speech, particularly online

PROVIDE a high-quality, testimonial-based curriculum for High School students, to be widely distributed to and adopted by teachers and educators in the implementing countries.

TRAIN and mentor youth on the history, culture and inheritance of Jewish people in Europe, and strengthen their capacity to reveal and address commonly held anti-Semitic stereotypes, mis- and disinformation, conspiracy theories and prejudices, thus reducing the perception gap of anti-Semitism between the Jewish population and the general public.

 BRIDGE the divide between Jewish and other religious and ethnic groups, by fostering open and safe dialogue and interaction, and building intergroup coalitions and strategies

Project Methodology

The methodology involves combining an online and on-site strategy of education, awareness raising, learning and exchange, with local and trans-national coalition- and strategy-building for improving community measures against anti- Semitism and other forms of intolerance. Firmly grounding the action in current research findings, the initial part of the project will provide a baseline mapping, needs assessment and evaluation of past and existing projects in Europe addressing this topic, informing the implementation of all succeeding project activities; through desk and practitioner research, continuous monitoring and analysing anti-Semitic hate speech; and stakeholder mapping, outreach and strategic networking, ensuring their involvement in the project activities.

The quality of the implementation will be enhanced by the BOND Advisory Board, who will be tasked with external monitoring and guiding the implementation, and strengthen the thematic expertise among the consortium members. The Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (QAMEP), in addition to providing clear ethical guidelines and a risk-management strategy, will guide the continuous monitoring and evaluation of project results according to the set timeline, indicators, deliverables and expected results.

The strategy involves exploiting in-depth educational and capacity training for youth and teachers, and interactive learning, exchange, and empowering youth to become multipliers and effective communicators of testimonial-based counter-narratives (WP3). The collaborative and interactive approach will be integrated in the dialogue sessions and roundtables, to ensure maximum engagement and contributions among participants, and a more effective strategy- and coalition-building, that will more likely be sustained after completion of the project (WP4). In order to maximise our reach in the implementing partners’ localities, the cultural festivals will be coordinated alongside other local initiatives, organisations and stakeholders to maximise reach and impact (WP5).

The online strategy involves platform development and integration, trainings, learning resources, testimonies and other useful tools for practitioners. All partners, with SYNYO, as lead of WP5, will be responsible for ensuring the integration and dissemination of the project’s deliverables into other EU and local projects, both during and at the conclusion of the project, to enhance sustainability and multiplication. This robust use of lessons learned, continuous monitoring and evaluation, targeted outreach and recruitment, capacity building, both internally among partners, and externally with the target groups, and creation of dedicated online tools and e-learning materials will enable effective impact of the project outputs, and improve transferability and European-wide impact of the project.

Project Structure

WP1 Project management and coordination

Task 1.1 Project management and coordination
Task 1.2 Financial Management
Task 1.3 Quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation
Task 1.4 Consortium meetings

WP2 Research, Learning, Networking and Exchange

Task 2.1 Desk review and stakeholder mapping
Task 2.2 Field research and networking
Task 2.3 Monitoring and analysing anti- Semitic hate-speech
Task 2.4 The BOND Advisory Board

WP3 Youth, Education, Empowerment and Exchange

Task 3.1 Educational curriculum and training materials for youth
Task 3.2 Training for Teachers
Task 3.3 Youth education and exchange
Task 3.4 Changemakers in action: micro-projects

WP4 Promotion Dialogue and Understanding Across Communities

Task 4.1 Stakeholder outreach, recruitment and preparations
Task 4.2 Interfaith and inter-community dialogue
Task 4.3 Local roundtables on tolerance and social inclusion

WP5 Achieving Impact: Communication, Dissemination and Sustainability

Task 5.1 Creation of communication tools and strategy
Task 5.2 Online communication action
Task 5.3 Online museum/exhibition
Task 5.4 Promotion and Awareness Raising
Task 5.5 Targeted dissemination of BOND materials


D 2.2 Research briefings on the trends of anti-Semitic narratives, hate speech and conspiracy theories prevalent both online and offline

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D 2.3 Report on anti-Semitism in Romania, Hungary, Poland, Italy
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D 3.1 Educational curriculum and training materials for youth

D 3.2 E-learning and digital Training of Teachers
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D 3.3 Evaluation of the action (short- term and medium-term)
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D 3.4 Youth multipliers’ micro-projects

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D 4.2 Handbook on community measures for social inclusion, understanding and tolerance
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D 5.1 Communication tools and strategy
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D 5.2 Online museum and exhibition
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