Ana Barbulescu (RO) – Ana Barbulescu has a PhD in sociology at the University of Bucharest, she is a scientific researcher at the National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania “Elie Wiesel” and a lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Bucharest. Her scientific interests are Holocaust studies and antisemitism in Romania.
Anna Daróczi (HU) – Coordinator at Phiren Amenca, a network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organisations. She is a human rights expert and a Roma women human rights activist.

Betti Guetta (IT) – Betti Guetta is a sociologist, scholar of social and political attitudes. She is the head of Osservatio Antisemitismo in Italy. She is interested in the philosophy of antisemitism.
Gabriela Chirtes (RO) – Gabriela Chirtes is a first-line practitioner, a teacher in the High School for Hearing Impaired in Cluj Napoca, teaches mother language, sign language, social education and speech therapy for deaf students. Other professional attributions: ethics advisor, mentor in teaching career, Erasmus+ projects coordinator and member of the European HIPEN network, board member of the NID association for young people with hearing disabilities.

Ildikó Barna (HU) – Ildikó Barna is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Faculty of Social Sciences in Budapest, where she also serves as a Head of the Department of Social Research Methodology. She is the co-leader of ELTE Research Center for Computational Social Science (rc2s2.elte.hu). She received a PhD in Sociology from ELTE in 2009. Her research areas include research methodology, Hungarian and Central and Eastern European Jewry, antisemitism, hate crimes and hate speech, memory politics, natural language processing, and automated text analytics.
Murilo Cambruzzi (IT) – Murilo Cambruzzi has a degree in International Sciences and European Institutions and in Global Politics and Society. Since 2021 he has been a researcher at Osservatio Antisemitismo, where he deals with monitoring and research on antisemitism in Italy.

Patrycja Dolowy (PL) – Patrycja Dolowy is the CEO of JCC Warsaw, an artist, writer and activist. JCC Warsaw is a safe, caring, people-driven and inclusive space which brings together community members and newcomers interested in exploring, defining and redefining diverse Jewish identities through informal Jewish education and Jewish culture. Patrycja is interested in problems of difficult memory and heritage and Holocaust studies. She is a recipient of the “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” medal, awarded by the Association of Jewish Combatants and Victims of the Second World War and the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland.